Look here to find a copy of U.S. 1 Newspaper, Princeton's business and entertainment weekly, located at 12 Roszel Road, Princeton NJ 08540, 609-452-0038; fax, 609-452-0033. Single copies are available by sending a check for $3.30.
19,000 copies are hand delivered to 4,500 area companies, reaching an affluent readership of 100,000 professionals. Coverage of computing, commuting, careers, banking, real estate, small business issues, company milestones, plus lifestyles, arts & entertainment.
Frequent advertising features offer special programs with advertorials and other incentives.
Website calendar of what's happening in Princeton and central New Jersey. Includes business events, arts and entertainment, charity outings, historical festivals, sports.
Because our readership area covers 10 communities, 3 counties and many zip codes, ours are the only resources that conveniently offer listings of the following types of companies
Business Directory Published in March, the only comprehensive listing of more than 3,000 companies in the greater Princeton business community. Includes address, phone, fax, highest ranking contact, number of employees, annual income, business description. Arranged alphabetically and cross referenced by business category.
Health & Fitness Directory Published in May, listing doctors, dentists, health clubs, any company related to health. An insert in the regular issue of U.S. 1 Newspaper.
Retail Shopping Directory Published in August, covering shopping destinations in a 10 mile radius around Princeton. Organized by category and inserted into the regular issue of U.S. 1.
The U.S. 1 Sneak Preview E-mail newsletter gives you a weekly dose of U.S. 1, whether you are on the road, on vacation, or just too busy to grab a copy from your reception desk. The Sneak Preview provides links to the full text of U.S. 1's stories, along with links to the home pages of the companies covered.
Large format wall calendar chock full of area arts, charitable, and sporting events.
Packages include labels, sales call lists, custom directories, and various arrangements of data on disk. Most can be produced in 24 hours.
Bringing experts in business technology, sales, and training together with readers, many of whom are business owners and managers who are constantly making strategic growth decisions.
Please call us at 609-452-0038 for display rates, or E-mail: .
Paid classifieds are put on the Internet at no extra charge. The charge by the word is 35 cents, with a $4.20 minimum. A $3 billing charge will be waived if payment is received prior to publication. Repeats with no changes cost 25 cents a word. The cost for 16 or more consecutive insertions without changes is 20 cents a word, to be paid in advance. These rates apply to most categories.
Boxed classifieds are available.
U.S. 1, Princeton's Business and Entertainment Journal is delivered free to more than 4,500 offices each Wednesday morning. U.S. 1 constitutes Central New Jersey's premier information resource on everything from which computer system to buy for your growing business to which Broadway show to see on your night out in New York.
Founded in a basement in downtown Princeton by former Time Inc. reporter Richard K. Rein in 1984, U.S. 1 has grown into one of Princeton's great business success stories. As reported in national publications as diverse as the New York Times and American Demographics, what began as a monthly tabloid has become a diversified publishing and information company.
Today U.S. 1 offers not only its flagship weekly newspaper, but also an annual events calendar and datebook, a number of popular annual symposia and trade shows, and a family of directories led by the U.S. 1 Business Directory, the only comprehensive information resource on the Greater Princeton Business Community, offered in book and disk form and now searchable at our web site.
With an exciting mix of stories on business, lifestyles, careers, community events, computing, the Internet, and the arts, U.S. 1 has become indispensable to its growing and enthusiastic readership.
Richard K. Rein, Editor and Publisher
Barbara Figge Fox, Senior Editor
Nicole Plett, Arts Editor
Christopher Mario, Correspondent
Teena S. Chandy, Reporter
Melinda Sherwood, Reporter
Craig Terry, Photography
Diana Joseph-Riley, Account Executive
Martha Moore, Account Executive
Kathleen McBride, Karen Sly, Production
Brenda Fallon, Accounts Manager
Stan Kephart, Design
Lawrence L. DuPraz, Production Adviser
Elaine Strauss, Joan Crespi, Simon Saltzman, Pat Summers, Phyllis Maguire, Tricia Fagan, Richard J. Skelly, Contributors
Last revised July 28, 1999